Tsuris and tantrums

Not for the weak hearted/ homophobic/ignorant/no-to-premaritial sex preachers/ propaganda R18 for language, oh grow up already. The blog owner will not be responsible for mind fucking you, in most cases the reader already is.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


This blog was first created to faciliate information sharing among the fabulous 4 - Cheanea, Sha, Ivy and Jude. Weilin didn't come into the picture until after sometime but we've been tight after all these years. Having multiple bestfriends means I have to repeat myself everytime. (I know S once told me how can you have 5 best friends? Best means 1) I know, but I love them all the same. It also comes with the negative effects of having to repeat myself 5X to update them on my life. They are the people that I can not talk to for years but when we do we talk as if nothing has ever passed us by.

Jude and Cheanea are in different parts of Aussieland, Sha and Ivy are just busy with their lives and WL is persuing his grad studies. Unlike my old OD diary, this blog is more of life reportings more than little scribbles and stories of what I used to do. I shut down the OD blog simply because someone had caused much controversy flaming me online where as everyone knows there's no such thing as privacy. Some more its over the most trivial thing - along the lines of leave my boyfriend alone.

What are we 6 now? I don't friend you! I will tell the whole wide world not to be friends with you. You're older than me. And I don't even know you. I hope you've wisened up.

Then again OD has represented one of my most painful times in my life. I'm not afraid to put it all behind me.

Somethings better left unpublished.

Ever since I arrived in Indonesia, I've been writing to a special someone. I think it keeps me sane amongst all the pressures of work. And every single time, I get a reply. Sometimes I start with something. Sometimes he starts with something. At the end of the letter, I always learn something and have something to smile about.

Breakups are hard to do. I believe in every relationship there will come a point where quarrels are never ending. But every relationship has that. Quarrels are a part of communication even. I think the worst part is not wanting to quarrel or communicate. Not wanting to keep at it anymore. And we have to come to acceptance that it’s just not working out.

I love this quote from the Mexican. "When two people love each other, truly love each other, when do you get to the point where enough is enough?"

Answer: "Never"


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