Tsuris and tantrums

Not for the weak hearted/ homophobic/ignorant/no-to-premaritial sex preachers/ propaganda R18 for language, oh grow up already. The blog owner will not be responsible for mind fucking you, in most cases the reader already is.

Friday, May 26, 2006

In a quandary

JX doesn't know wad's quandary . . . . points and laffs
**chokes on own spit **

Ok once upon a time i didn't either. But my dad taught me that word.

Ok besides the fact that work is driving me nuts.
Yes loony. Thats me right there.

I'm also on a conscious effort to diet. Because i met this really cute guy.
And cute guy looked at me. He gave me a polite smile. *Gets all dreamyyyyy*

Heh and u know what!!!!!
I'm craving CHIPS. YES. POTATO CHIPS to the americans crips to the English. :(
Soapy has no chips right now. She is chip-less.

I had a very healthy choice of lunch today of a skinless fatless boneless shredded spicy chicken breast loaded with greens tossed with a vinegarette. Eugh!

Ok. Back to the topic of the cute guy Soapy can't ask him out coz she's already got blackus frogus.

Another thing. Soapy really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really
WANTS to go to the Coldplay concert that's happening soon in Singapore.

But blackus frogus won't go.
It's a depressing day for me. No chips no coldplay no cute guy.
Now leave me alone!!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

2nd thoughts?

Yes, what's so special about her?

Friday, May 12, 2006


Long weekend means that i'm itching to put together something. I'm thinking something with loads of seafood and meat ... viola! Stroke of genius! Paella.

Long before . . . i'm talking 4 years ago. During our courtship i'd cook for the boyfriend. Haven't cooked for him for a loooooooong time.

photo credits from http://vakantie.paginablog.nl/

Soapy's paella is more meaty tho. I'm thinking of pulling a cheat. Instead of cooking the chicken parts traditionally. I'm using MSG free chicken broth, incorporating the usual mussels, prawns. (Adding a lil Chinese flavour of dried prawns and scallops) Instead of using Italian sausage like it calls for i'm going to use a fat pork bratwurst. And raisins for some kick.

Chicken served roasted on the side. *drools*
I'm feeling excited already.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Suppose Prince Charming did exist . . . What do u reckon he looked like?

A dash of Disney magic ...

Abit of false hope. C'mon there's only one of him girls.
And he's not even my type. No sour grapes syndrome.
Honestly i'd rather he look like this . . .

Prince Kimura is charming =)
What can i say?
I honestly find Asian men hot

But no matter what, this holds true

Unless you're Cheanea. Hole in one. Lol.
For gals like me half the fun is waiting for him to find me.
I'm still here, if you're out there.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Alternative to masturbation


Also ... Dear Boyfriend,

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I have a small confession.

I think part of me is commitmentphobic. I used to think that the boyfriend is commitmentphobic, now i'm starting to feel terrible bad vibes of repercussion. When he sleeps he looks like the most angelic thing to me. Yet i keep asking myself how long will this thing last.

New job is doing well. I feel a sense of accomplishment. No doubt i'm only half way there. A new environment means i have yet to prove myself.

First task is a huge challenge.
I'll have to overcome that and then i'm be thrown into the deep end. This is the beginning of everything. Its no longer a job it is a career.

Insecurity -- Thats what this is all about.

Today i played my part as a Singapore citizen by voting at the polls. it feels strangely unfamiliar to me as i looked though the list of candidates and i realised. i do not know them personally. i do not know what type of people they are and i do not know what ever decision i've made how would it affect me adversely. But i can sure as hell tell u it is as exciting as striking 4D. I can imagine thousands of households standing by their TV sets all heavily anticipating the results. =) A little humour to end the day with.