Tsuris and tantrums

Not for the weak hearted/ homophobic/ignorant/no-to-premaritial sex preachers/ propaganda R18 for language, oh grow up already. The blog owner will not be responsible for mind fucking you, in most cases the reader already is.

Friday, July 28, 2006

For the love of god . . .

I don't need a bigger penis or for my woman to love me or for discounted prescription bills like Viagra! What's wrong with people who send spam!!!! No Life ah?! GRRRRRRRR!!!!

Its the weekend again.

Going to be super bored.

Feeling super healthy. Crash diet. Need to lose 10kgs in a month. Have done it before. Now how to do it again ah? Eat 1 proper meal. Carbs and all then eat fruits for the rest of the day. *Might* post my progress. Oh yes. Getting sloshed out at the end of the day helps abit. Just have to cut down on the sweeter, yummilicious drinks. That or kill my liver. Which is the lesser of 2 evils? Heh.

Live so long for what?

I kinda crave walnut bread. Toasted. With a good heap of jam and a cup of hot milo. 12 hours into diet.

PS: By the time i'm into the 15th day into diet, i'd probably start seeing fairies/UFO/or Sadam Hussein in a pink tutu dancing to La Cucaracha. =)

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Month since i blogged eh?

In the past i used to complain about the lack of life. I've always been quite by myself. Eating, sleeping, shitting yes that's what my life is all about, even so i can't do the shitting bit properly. Severely constipated until my dad from London also have to call back and ask me to drink *gag* aloe vera juice.

But less time for blogging means i've been doing something with my life. Driving, riding, is enough to totally exhaust me. I want my license so baddddddddd. I want car too :P
Oh yeah, i didn't get the chance to blog about the Coldplay concert. But i did get myself there *smiles* It's awesome to know people in the right places. Anyway, i went to the concert with Jo. Jo's someone i knew from my previous working place and he's with Nokia. Nokia being sponsors of the Coldplay concert i got in absolutely free. I will not rave about how god-like Chris Martin's stage presence actually is and how he sounds exactly like the CD and how his performance absolutely delivers. Despite the fact i was feeling a lil under the weather. Feverish and all, i still knew a good performance. At the end of the day, i'm still a fan. Did you go to the coldplay concert :P :)

Thank you Jo!!!! Now I shall await the video's that you took with your puny Nokia phone.

"Russel Peters coming to town" - To be sung in tune to Santa claus is coming to town. Feel free to add the bell jingles at the end for some dramatic effect.

This time boyfriend got tickets!!! Thank you boyfriend!!! Even if its with my money Its the little things that count.

Anyway, after driving and riding's done i will salsa and canoe. Exercise, get off my bum, tan and get to socialise abit at the sametime. Fill my weekends with bustling activity. And laugh at how no life i used to be. Life's good.